Baby Liam - A Newborn Lifestyle Session

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On a very special rainy day last spring, I was honored to go capture Shannon, a first time mama and her handsome baby boy, Liam. I always get a healthy dose of the nervous butterflies on the drive to each of my shoots. As soon as I walked in the door and was greeting by Shannon and Jake’s big happy puppies all the nerves washed away. I love being a photographer because of the uniquely personal connection it allows. Shannon and I got to chat all things ‘newborn phase,” something that I am still very familiar with having a 7 month old little boy myself. The opportunity to go in to my client’s home space and capture such precious memories with the newest little love, is at the top of my favorites list.

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We started off in a nice spot right by the window with the natural light pouring in and the heat turned up a bit to make sure that baby Liam was comfortable no matter what outfit (or lack of outfit) we had him in. Shannon turned on some nice country jams and we got little man all ready to go, just as soon as he finished up eating.

That’s the nice part of a newborn session, we are on baby’s timeline! I plan for a longer session on each newborn shoot because each baby is different. Liam was a champ though and I even had time for some bonus photos of those excited big brother puppies I talked about.

His nursery was the the perfect blend of light and warm tones so I made sure to catch all those cozy details during our session as well.

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Shannon did such a cute job decorating Liam’s nursery. She waited to find out the gender of the baby (something I did for all 3 of my babies) so it was absolutely necessary to take some photos of her with her new baby boy getting their snuggle on. I know she is going to spend many hours of this first year in this room rocking Liam, reading stories, and changing diapers. I think capturing just a little bit of time in the baby’s nursery brings back all those memories when all of a sudden you’re changing out the crib for a big boy bed. I couldn’t help but notice that Shannon had the cutest sign (“Kid, You’ll Move Mountains”) hanging in Liam’s nursery that just happened to be made by my friend, Courteney at Sozo Interiors.

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We finished up with some special more personalized shots with items that were baby gifts or special to the family. I am always happy to work with my clients as much as I can to incorporate some items that are extra meaningful. When you can bring parts of your family or history into the images, that’s what makes real heirloom photos.

Beautiful “Push Gift” necklace in Amethyst, Liam’s birthstone.

Beautiful “Push Gift” necklace in Amethyst, Liam’s birthstone.

Liam with is name announcement and birth stats.

Liam with is name announcement and birth stats.

Smiles on the handmade quilt.

Smiles on the handmade quilt.

The proud big brothers

The proud big brothers

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I may have overdone it for some with photos on this blog post. However with sweet smiling and yawning newborns I’m not really sure that is even possible. I am over the moon about newborn photography, as if you couldn’t already tell. I hope that this gives you a little glimpse inside what a newborn session is like with me. As a mom of three babies myself, I remember what those first days home are like and I want you to feel comfortable and relaxed because that’s what makes the whole experience a happy memory. I really understand what booking a photographer to come into your home is like in those mom-zombie like days, and am here to not only photograph, but help with a bottle, diaper, you name it!
As always, if you have any questions on what newborn photography with me is like, send me message here. Looking forward to freezing time and capturing your memories soon.


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Lauren Kmiec

I’m Lauren Kmiec, a photographer, wife, and mama that believes being a  multi-passionate creator is a blessing I have to share with each and every person I can. 


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